
Главная » Cosmetology » Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure performed by aestheticians to combat the signs of aging skin and eliminate dermatological defects. It allows for rejuvenation of the skin, resolving uneven skin tone, and restored elasticity to the facial skin. Let’s discuss how microdermabrasion is performed, the indications and limitations of the cleansing procedure.

What is Microdermabrasion

Diamond microdermabrasion should be understood as an innovative method of mechanical skin cleansing. This procedure is performed to slow down the aging process and is effective for patients with problematic skin – the presence of wrinkles, uneven tone, post-acne pigmentation, loss of epidermal tone, post-acne scars, etc.

The established price for microdermabrasion allows for a relatively low cost for the desired cosmetic effect. The cleansing of the facial skin is done in the salon with the use of microcrystals, which, together with the air flow, are brought to the surface layers of the epidermis using a device. After this procedure, side effects such as redness, inflammation and other phenomena do not arise.

Who Is Microdermabrasion Suitable For

The diamond microdermabrasion device is effective with the following skin problems:

  • Active work of the sebaceous glands and constant skin greasiness;
  • The presence of mimic wrinkles, which are the first signs of aging of the epidermis;
  • Uneven skin tone, expressed as pigmented spots;
  • Loss of skin tone due to age changes and the influence of negative environmental factors.