
Oral and maxillofacial surgery

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The perfection of surgical dentistry, gained due to many years’ experience and qaulified staff, has reached a level when a fear of pain is rather a myth today than a reality.

“Medesy” Dental Center provides a variety of services in dental surgery aimed to save and restore the teeth. Due to the use of modern technologies and high professionalism of our doctors, we try to perform even the most complex procedure painlessly and comfortably for the patient.

Surgical operations are performed in cases when conventional treatment modes are no longer effective, and a damaged tooth may cause deterioration of the overall health.

All the procedures take place under local anaesthesia or sedation. Doctors practise the latest treatment methods and innovative solutions in their work, and dental treatment is carried out in the rooms equipped with a state-of the-art technology.

Primary areas of surgical dentistry in “Medesy” Medical Center

Удаление зуба

Tooth removal

Удаление кист челюстей

Removal of gnathic cysts

Костная пластика

Bone grafting

Пластика уздечек


Teeth removal

Our doctors resort to teeth removal in cases when treatment is no more effective. Painlessness of the tooth removal is determined by the quality of anaesthesia and professionalism of the doctor. The anaesthetics, used in the Clinic, allow to remove teeth absolutely painlessly and avoid complications caused by the anaesthetic effect. We use only proven highly-efficient medication. There is no doubt in professional competence of our surgeons: master-level experienced doctors work in the Clinic.


Removal of gnathic cysts

One of the forms of parodontitis, granulomatous periodontitis, is radiographically characterized by destruction of a round-shaped bony tissue, in other words – by formation of a cyst. It should be noted that in addition to radicular cysts, cysts around non-erupted teeth (dental follicular cysts) may be formed as well. Such cysts can also suppurate. The main symptoms of an inflammatory cyst in the exacerbation phase are aching pain in the jaw, gingival inflammation and oedema in the gingival projection and muco-gingival junction, facial soft tissues oedema, sometimes temperature rise and deterioration of the overall health, headache, weakness, low appetite. Options for removing the cyst are determined by its location and size. In any case, the operation plan is elaborated by the doctor in light of further treatment


Bone grafting

Not all patients may undergo dental implantation because of their insufficient bony tissue. Bone grafting is performed in case it is impossible to fix the prosthesis during orthopedic treatment in view of littleness of the dental arch. Bone grafting is a bony tissue recreation operation necessary for further solution of the dentition recovery problems. Bone grafting is not an independent treatment mode, but an auxiliary procedure aiding in fixation of the prosthesis or improving the aesthetics.



Frenuloplasty relates to surgical operations conducted in the oral cavity. Frena perform a very important function in the oral cavity. Due to the tongue frenulum we phonate correctly, and in case if the frenulum is too short, we have problems in pronunciation. A short frenulum of the newborn children’s upper and lower lip may lead to developmental delays and nervous system disorder. Frenuloplasty is possible at any age, but the sooner it is performed, the greater is the likelihood to avoid negative consequences. Frenuloplasty (tongue frenulum, lip frenulum) is not an independent mode of treatment but an auxiliary procedure allowing to prevent growth impairment and deformation of the jaw at an early age, as well as gingival recession in adult life.


Removal of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, as people call them, are the reason of many inconveniences at any age. They erupt in different ways: either one by one or all at once, some people have wisdom teeth erupted in early years, and some – at old age. However, the eruption process causes an unbearable pain to almost everybody. Moreover, the wisdom teeth often cause malocclusion. Even at the eruption stage, with a narrow jaw, these teeth may spoil the occlusion.

Also, malposition of the wisdom tooth, which bumps into the root of the twelve-year molar, destroys the neighbouring tooth and causes the root caries. In this case, treatment of the root caries becomes very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. Therefore, the wisdom tooth is subject to removal.

Many people try to delay the removal of the wisdom tooth being afraid of a severe pain. But there is no sense in doing this. Pills and folk remedies only exacerbate the problem. We strongly recommend to visit a dentist at the slightest discomfort and be consulted about the steps to be taken.

If your wisdom teeth have already erupted, if they are in a correct position and involved in chewing, and cause no troubles, you can leave them and not to remove. Also, the wisdom teeth are very useful and give a guarantee of non-removable prosthesis, for example, if you have the missing seventh tooth or the seventh and the sixth teeth at once.



Hemisection is partial removal of the root and its related tooth, which is impossible to cure. In this case, the rest of the tooth is used to restore the dentition integrity. Such an operation is performed providing there is a significant focus of infection or misplacement of the dental root.



Cystectomy, as well as cystotomy are a variety of the complex of methods in treating odontogenic cysts and removing the chronically inflamed areas on the tips of dental roots. Cystectomy is an absolutely radical operation, during which the cyst and its envelope is removed. cystotomy is a less radical treatment of the cyst with a surgical method, during which the end wall of the cyst is removed and linked to the oral cavity.


Lengthening of the dental crown

Lengthening of the dental crown is an operation which enables to use the roots located lower than the gingiva level. This intervention aims to lengthen the dental crown and not the surface of teeth.


Tooth-saving surgery (flap surgery)

Tooth-saving surgery (flap surgery) — this surgical intervention is used to treat various periodontal diseases and aims to prevent further destruction of the tooth bone tissue.

In addition to the above surgery services, the following operations are performed in “Medesy” Medical Center:

  • -Removal of impacted (unerupted) teeth
  • -Surgical treatment of periodontal diseases
  • -Operations on the gingivae and soft tissues, correction of soft tissues for aesthetic and natural proportion of teeth and gingivae
  • -Correction of a smile
  • -Sinus-lifting, augmentation of the bony tissue volume, alveolar ridge augmentation and expansion)
  • -Dental implantation
  • -Sanation of the pockets of infection, neoplasms and areas of inflammation
  • -removal of gingival recession
  • -Vestibuloplasty is a plastic repair of the vestibule of the mouth aimed to prevent gingival recession and parodontium
  • -Gingivo-plasty is a plastic repair of the gingiva to improve the cosmetic effect after a flap surgery
  • -Correction of the dental arch
  • -Excision of the tooth hood


As you can see, there are almost no hopeless situations in today’s dentistry – the main thing is to visit a doctor!

The first consultaion is free.

“Medesy” Dental Center wishes you good health and beaming smile.



Lengthening of the dental crown

Sterile tools

Surgery room №1

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