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24-hour phone of the Center of Aesthetic Medicine and Dentistry “Medesy” : +37411 370-370

Almost all of us, sooner or later, have teeth or gingivae problems and need their treatment. It should seem that it’s nothing at all serious and we can move on, but we still go to the dental clinic. Why?

The dentistry development level currently allows to cure even the teeth which were previously considered hopeless, and they were removed. Now doctors pay careful attention to the tooth root and try to cure it, thereby avoiding removal. This is where the root canal is located, which is a place inside the tooth root where there is a pulp (the blood vessels feeding the tooth and the nerve through which we feel the pain).

«Medesy» Dental Center provides a full range of therapeutic services, in particular:

  • Caries treatment
  • Tooth filling
  • Root canal filling
  • Pulpitis treatment
  • Alveolar nerve removal
Лечения Кариеса

Caries treatment

Пломбирование зубов

Tooth filling

Лечение Пульпита

Pulpitis treatment

Удаление Зубного нерва

Alveolar nerve removal

Caries treatment

Caries is a disease of hard dental tissues – enamel and dentin – which comes out in a change of the tooth color, and further in softening (demineralization) and destruction of its structure and formation of a defect in the shape of a cavity. The appearance and development of caries is mainly caused by bacteria of a soft plaque which must be removed during daily tooth brushing, that is harped on about by dentists.

Treatment of dental caries consists of several stages. First, the carious areas of enamel and dentin are removed by a dental drill, then the anatomical shape of the tooth is restored using tooth filling materials. The form of treatment the patient should undergo depends on the degree of destruction of dental hard tissues.

The most difficult is the treatment of a deep caries as this stage of caries development is associated with the penetration of infection and development of inflammation in deep tissues, where there are many nerve endings and blood vessels. Caries treatment at the stage of deep development requires complete removal of the affected soft tissues from the pulp chamber and root canals, that is followed by thorough cleaning of the formed cavity and pressureproof filling.

As for the superficial and medium caries treatment, it also includes preparation (removal of the affected tissues) followed by filling. The final stage in the treatment of dental caries is polishing of the filling and restoration of anatomic occlusion. Only treatment of the caries at the stage of a carious spot does not require a drill usage. Here the treatment may be limited to the remineralization therapy, i.e. restoration of the mineral balance of teeth by professional pastes, fluorinated lacquers and various solutions saturated with necessary minerals.


Tooth filling

Tooth filling is no more an unpleasant procedure, which made the adults and children avoid visiting the dentist. Due to the modern equipment, the decay cavity processing is carried out quickly and painlessly. Should a patient so wish or when necessary, the doctor can make anesthesia. The filling procedure includes the following steps: removal of the affected tissues and preparing a space for filling; processing of the obtained cavity with an anticeptic and acid solution; application of substances which contribute to better fixation of the material, and installation of the filling material. Then, it is polished for the patient not to discomfort when chewing and closing mounth. The procedure takes 20-30 minutes, no abstinence from food and drinks is required. When treating deep caries and pulpitis, which is performed at several stages, the doctor may first fill the tooth temporarily to isolate the medicines introduced into the tooth cavity. They are made of the materials which do not interact with the saliva. After a while, these fillings are replaced by conventional ones.


Pulpitis treatment

Pulpitis is one of the biggest troubles that can happen to the tooth. A severe pain makes a person to turn to the dentist for help. But what can specialists offer in this situation?

The main method is removal of the «nerve» followed by filling of root canals. Previously, the pulpitis treatment was carried out at several stages. This was due to the lack of highly efficient anaesthetics in the dentist’s arsenal and lack of tools for thorough expansion of the root canals. As a result, the tooth filling quality left much to be desired.

Many of you, probably, remember or even have some teeth painted in all shades of pink. This is the heritage of those treatment methods. The current practices allow to cure root canals, with few exceptions, during one visit. Moreover, the doctor may use filling pastes which do not change the tooth color. One of the most significant achievements of the modern dentistry has become the appearance of a device (apex locator), which allows to determine the length of canals to high precision (up to 0,5 mm) and therefore fill them properly.


Filling of root canals

Filling of the root canal is one of the important steps in treating the tooth, the pulp of which was removed for whatever reasons. The long-term outcome of treatment depends on how much hermetically the canal was filled. Microorganisms develop in an empty or partially filled root canal, microbial products of which cause inflammation of the bone around the tooth, as well as adversely affect the body. The current canal filling practices imply tight filling of the canal with a special material, gutta-percha.

There are two basic methods of condensing gutta-percha in the canal: 1. Lateral condensation, when several tapered guttapercha points are tightly introduced into the tooth canal. 2. Vertical condensation, when part of the canal is prefilled with a heated guttapercha mass prior to introducing the tapered points. This method has proven itself as the most reliable. Canal filling with thermoplastified gutta-percha through vertical condensation is a proven and effective technique, which is applied by many endodontists in the USA.


Alveolar nerve removal

Human tooth is not just a bone, it has a very complex structure. There is a very important organ near the tooth root, called a pulp, which is a plexus of blood vessels and nerve endings. Patients usually call this organ a nerve, and when the doctor is asked how the nerve is removed from the tooth, just the pulp removal is meant here.

The dental nerve in our Clinic is removed during one trip to the dentist, that has become possible due to the modern efficient methods of anaesthesia. After making anesthesia, the doctor can provide access to the pulp and remove the affected dentin, giving no pain to the patient. The pulp is removed using special tools, and the whole process takes about half an hour.

One nerve is removed, the tooth becomes more brittle, it is exposed to the external impact much more than healthy teeth. Sometimes it is very difficult to get to the nerve, and in order to perform quality depulpation the doctor has to destroy the major part of the tooth and later place a dental crown. In order to avoid such a procedure as removal of the alveolar nerve, try not to allow caries development. Carefully follow the oral cavity hygiene rules and do not forget to attend the dentist at least once in six months.

The first consultation is free.

“Medesy” Stomatology Center wishes you health and beaming smile.

Caries treatment

Alveolar nerve removal

Doctor Vahan Mardyan

Patient examination

Doctor Roman Beknazarov

Doctor Hayk Grigoryan

Leisure area

Doctor Gagik Arakelyan